Towards Osaka Blue Ocean Vision - G20 Implementation Framework for Actions on Marine Plastic Litter


Actions and Progress on Marine Plastic Litter
Last Update : 2024/03/29

Policy framework

National Action Plan

● Norwegian Plastics Strategy(in Norwegian: Noregs plaststrategi). An English version of the strategy can be found here.

Brief description:

  • Launched in August 2021. The Norwegian Plastics Strategy/ action plan describes actions taken and actions under implementation to reduce plastic litter and plastic pollution across the entire life-cycle of plastics, in Norway as well as Norwegian priorities internationally. It addresses measures to reduce plastic pollution across various value-chains and sectors, both from land-based and sea-based sources. The strategy also includes measures on clean-up of marine litter.
  • The plan includes measures to promote more sustainable value chains for plastics, as well as measures to reduce discharges of plastic waste to the environment from sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, agriculture, transport, building, as well as household waste.
  • It also describes measures to reduce use of single-use plastic products and measures to phase out hazardous substances in plastic products in order to increase the amount of plastic waste that can be safely recycled.

Norway is part to the EEA-agreement and an integral part of the European internal market, and many measures described in the plan will be further developed in close cooperation with the European Union.

On clean-up, it includes measures to strengthen knowledge and coordination of clean-up efforts in Norway, including between volunteers and private sector.

We have made good progress in the following up of the strategy that was launched a year ago. Further details are described below.

This includes implementation and preparation for implementation of the relevant EU-directives and international regulations including under the Basel convention. In addition, Norway has a specific action plan against plastic litter from commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture. The Directorate of fisheries publishes regularly updates on its implementation. The action plan is under translation to English.

The new centre against marine litter (Marfo), which from 1.1.2022 was established as an administrative body under the Ministry of Climate and Environment, contributes significantly to strengthen and disseminate knowledge on clean-up, and on marine litter from fisheries and aquaculture.

A national strategy for a Green, Circular Economy was launched in 2021 (In Norwegian: Nasjonal strategy for ein grøn, sirkulær økonomi Nasjonal strategi for ein grøn, sirkulær økonomi - The strategy includes measures to promote a circular economy for plastics, and thus contribute to the reduction on marine plastic litter and plastics pollution.

Norway has also a national action plan for reducing marine litter from commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture. A summary of this report in English is submitted to the IMO MEPC 80 (INF. 8).

Legal framework

The Pollution Control Act
Pollution Control Act -

  • Norway has a very comprehensive policy framework regulating waste through the Pollution Control Act and the detailed Waste Regulations (
    Littering is illegal according to the Pollution Control Act. As part of the European Economic Area Norway is bound by European rules and regulations, including targets relevant to this issue.
    The EU Regulation on Delivery and receipt of waste and cargo residues from ships/PRF Directive (2002/59/EC), is implemented/incorporated into the Norwegian pollution regulation, chapter 20. Public consultations on the implementation of the revised EU PRF Directive (2019/883) has been conducted, and the revised regulation is now under consideration in the Ministry.

The Product Regulations chapter 2b regulates single-use plastics. The regulation bans certain single-use plastic items. There is also marking requirements for some products. This implements important parts of the EU Plastics Directive in Norwegian law.

  • The purpose of the regulation is to reduce the environmental impact of single use plastic products.

The Marine Resources Act
Marine Resources Act -

  • The Marine Resources Act which regulates fisheries, forbids dumping of fishing gear. If fishing gear is lost or has to be cut, it is an obligation to try to recover it and if this is unsuccessful, to report the loss.

The Product Control Act

  • The Product Control Act regulates products from causing environmental disturbance, and damage to health, as well as national provisions for eco-design. Further regulations pertaining to different sources of microplastics emissions will be considered into the existing Norwegian legal framework

The Ship Safety and Security Act
Ship Safety and Security Act - Norwegian Maritime Authority (

  • The Ship Safety and Security Act shall safeguard life, health, property and the environment by facilitating a high level of ship safety and safety management, including preventing pollution from ships.

The Harbour and Fairways Act

Waste Regulation

  • The Waste Regulation implement among others of the EU Waste framework directive in Norwegian Law. The regulation includes provisions on waste management that are relevant for preventing discharge of plastic litter into the environment.
  • Norway adopted in May 2022 a new chapter 10A in the Waste regulations chapter 10A establishes mandatory sorting of biological waste and plastic waste (including plastic packaging and agricultural plastics) from municipal waste. The regulations will enter into force 1 January 2023. This regulation requires municipalities to sort at least 70 % of plastic waste from households by 2035.
  • Norway has also adopted new regulations to implement the targets for recycling in the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste in the waste regulations chapter 6 and 7, that entered into force in May 2022. These changes mean that the amount of plastic packaging waste recycled must increase to 50 % by 2025 and to 55 % by 2030.

The regulations relating to pollution control Pollution Regulations -

  • The regulations relating to pollution control chapter 32A establishes requirements for the design and operation of sports pitches that use loose microplastic as infill materials. These regulations entered into force on 1 July 2021. When all regulation measures are implemented, microplastic emissions from artificial turf pitches will be reduced by up to 90 %.


We do not have specific national-only indicators that are targeting marine plastic litter.
But as part of the OSPAR, Norway assesses beach litter, seabed litter and plastic particles in fulmar stomachs as common indicators for the OSPAR Maritime Area; the North-East Atlantic. Further indicators are under development under OSPAR. Norway maps marine litter through different activities including Mareano- mapping of the seafloor, and registration during fish stock monitoring including in the Barents Sea. Norway has recently started systematic monitoring of microplastic in the marine environment, according to indicators recommended in GESAMP-guidelines and the work program AMAP under Arctic Council. The plan is to further develop this first stage monitoring. Further, we are preparing the start of a systematic national monitoring of macroplastic including using data from OSPAR-monitoring, reporting of lost fishing gear etc.
We support international processes on the issue, in several arenas, including under Nordic Council of Climate and Environment Ministers, Arctic Council and UNEP.
Norway believes also upstream, close to source-monitoring is important nationally as well as at international level. Norway is a.o. supporting a study under the Nordic Council of Ministers on relevant indicators for plastic pollution including plastic leaks along the plastic value chain to be finalized in 2023. Norway believes that monitoring, where such indicators is needed, should be an important part of the international legally binding agreement on plastic pollution that is to be developed.


Introduce Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Yes
Reduce single-use plastic (shopping bags, straws etc.) by regulations or voluntary measures Yes
Steps taken/ to be taken towards restricting microplastics in personal care products Yes
Improve waste management recycling system Yes
Are there any human-centric, collective efforts/ actions/ practices for sustainable MPL management Yes
Conduct clean-up activities in rivers/ wetlands/ beaches/ coasts/ coral reefs/ sea floor, involving local communities involving local communities Yes
Taken/to be taken National Level Action and/or Community Level Action on Clean sea initiatives including ghost net retrieval, ocean-bound plastics etc. Yes
Created/creating a value Chain opportunity for abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) Yes
Financial incentives for fishers to promote the collection of end-of-life fishing gears Yes
Encourage/ Incentivize action by private sector companies to reduce/ sustainably manage their plastic waste (e.g., Fishing Gear) through policies/ regulations (e.g., Extended Producer Responsibility) Yes
Do you have/are you building/ are you promoting technology based plastic waste re-use, recycling and recovery opportunities Yes
Install capturing trap/filter on drainage/river Yes
Promote innovative solutions (e.g., upcycling fishing equipment, Creating plastic circular economy etc.) Yes
Boost multi-stakeholder involvement and awareness-raising Yes
Share scientific information and knowledge: R&D and monitoring Yes
Participate in international cooperation through international organizations, multi-national groups, etc. Yes
Support target region by your international cooperation initiatives/projects: South, Central and Southeast Asia Yes
Support target region by your international cooperation initiatives/projects: Africa Yes
Support target region by your international cooperation initiatives/projects: Latin America Yes



Prevention and reduction of plastic waste generation

Levy of charges/ taxes for single-use plastic products (e.g. shopping bags, straws)

Norway uses several measures to reduce use the environmental impact of single-use plastic products to the environment, most importantly through implementation of relevant EU-directives. This includes obligations through the EU directive to reduce the use of plastic carrier bags. We are assessing a possible tax on plastic packaging.

The largest actors in the Norwegian grocery, retail and trade sectors have agreed to meet the national obligations in the directive through the establishment of the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund (HMF) owned and operated by the relevant private actors. Members of the fund are required to place a fee on all plastic carrier bags they sell. The fund finances both national and international initiatives aimed at reducing and preventing plastic pollution e.g. through clean-up projects and support for technology and innovation.

The fund's stated goals are threefold:

  1. Reduce plastic pollution
  2. Increase plastic recycling
  3. Reduce consumption of plastic bags

We have seen a positive improvement over the last two years

Some of the measures are recently implemented and yet to show the acquired results.

Numerical data, if any:
From 2021 to 2022, the consumption of plastic carrier bags was reduced by 12 per cent. In 2022, the consumption of plastic carrier bags was 132 bags per person, compared to 151 bags per person in 2021.

Ban on use of single-use plastic products (e.g. shopping bags, straws)

Norway has implemented in national law measures in line with the EU Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (SUP-directive) such as bans on placing on the market certain plastic products and requirements on the marking of some single-use plastic products that are frequently inappropriately disposed of.

Banned single-use products:

  • cotton bud sticks,
  • cutlery, plates,
  • straws and stirrers,
  • balloon sticks and attachment mechanisms for such sticks,
  • food containers made of expanded polystyrene (EPS), with or without a lid, for food products that are intended to be eaten from the container without further preparation either at the point of sale or as take away
  • beverage packaging made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and corks and lids for these
  • beverage cups made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and lids for these.

We have seen a positive improvement over the last two years

Actions for encouraging sustainable / circular product design

Actively involved in EU-processes on product design.Establishing a Plastic Pact.

Norway, in close cooperation with the EU, will promote more sustainable plastics use and design of products that will stay longer in the plastics value chain – striving towards a more circular economy for plastics.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment is also establishing a plastic pact with relevant business and industry actors that provide single-use plastic items/plastic packaging.

Norway is also promoting this issue in the Basel Convention global partnership on plastic waste.

We have seen a positive improvement over the last two years

Regulations on microplastics

  • National regulation on granular infill for artificial turfs

The regulations relating to pollution control chapter 32A establishes requirements for the design and operation of sports pitches that use loose microplastic as infill materials. These regulations entered into force on 1 July 2021. When all regulation measures are implemented, it is estimated that microplastic emissions from artificial turf pitches will be reduced by up to 90 %.

  • From July 2021 we have a new national regulation to reduce microplastics emissions from artificial turfs. Norway has also advocated regulations to reduce microplastic emissions from textiles in relation to washing machines under the EUs Eco-design Directive.

In preparation

EU REACH restriction on intentionally added microplastics:
A proposal for restriction of placing on the market products containing intentionally added microplastics under EU chemical regulation (REACH). Expected final decision in 2023, will then be implemented in Norwegian law.

EU process on unintentionally released microplastics:
The EU Commission will publish their suggestion for measures to reduce the unintentionally release of microplastics from sources such as car tyres, synthetic textiles, plastic pellets, paint, geotextiles and detergent capsules for washing machines.

No particular change observed

Government actions on microplastics

A national microplastics monitoring program is established to provide information on levels and types of microplastics in the environment;

Norway with cosponsors has presented a proposal for decision under IMO MEPC on listing plastic pellets in the same category as environmental toxicants, which a.o. will result in stricter preventive measure during transport of plastic pellets by ships.

Norway has submitted to IMO MEPC 80 (INF. 9) - a report on microplastic release and other pollution from ship hull coatings/paints during docking and in sea, which shows that self-polishing paint is the type of hull coating contributing most to microplastic release.

We have also conducted a pilot study on methods to clean the hulls of leisure boats in marinas instead of using paint. Measures on pollution from leisure boat marinas is under consideration.

Norway also works to increase and approve knowledge about microplastics more generally, and two reports have recently been launched: Norwegian land-based sources to microplastics and sea-based sources to microplastics to the marine environments Sea-based sources of microplastics to the Norwegian marine environment - Miljødirektoratet (

No particular change observed

The proposal is being considered together with other alternative measures in the subcommittee PPR under MEPC.

Community actions on microplastics including individual and wider stakeholder involvement (e.g. businesses, coastal community etc.)


No particular change observed


Norway has together with South Africa, ITOPF and P&I Clubs, submitted a proposal til OME MEPC – PPR 10 – on Guidelined on clean-up of plastic pellets from ship-source spills. (PPR 10/13/3

Being discussed at PPR 10 week 17 2023.



Environmentally sound waste management
Enforcement of proper waste management system

Names of actions:
Further developments and refinement of the waste management system.
In general, Norway has a well-functioning and environmentally sound waste collection and management system. Clean-up of legacy waste has increased in years.

As of 2021, Norway has a national goal that recycling should increase and that waste generation should be lower than the economic growth.

Norway adopted in May 2022 a new chapter 10A in the Waste regulations. Chapter 10A establishes mandatory sorting of biological waste and plastic waste (including plastic packaging and agricultural plastics) from municipal waste. The regulations entered into force 1 January 2023. This regulation requires municipalities to sort at least 70 % of plastic waste from households by 2035. It may also be necessary to strengthen the infrastructure for secondary raw materials.

Norway has also adopted new regulations to implement the targets for recycling in the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste in the waste regulations chapter 6 and 7, that entered into force in May 2022. These changes mean that the amount of plastic packaging waste recycled must increase to 50 % by 2025 and to 55 % by 2030.

Norway introduced as early as the 1990s extended producer responsibility schemes for packaging and other categories. New extended producer responsibility schemes are in progress for certain single-use plastic products and for plastic gear in fisheries and aquaculture. The main feature of the extended producer responsibility scheme for certain single-use plastic products will be an obligation for producers to cover the costs of waste collection and cleaning up litter.

No particular change observed

Prevention of littering, illegal dumping and unintentional leakage of waste into the ocean

Names of actions:
We have many measures, and most of them are described in the national plastics strategy which can be found. here

One example is that we have introduced a scrap value for leisure boats (below 49 feet, including canoes, kayaks etc.)

The dumping of leisure boats were identified as a problem and a scrap value system was established, when a boat is handed in to a dedicated waste management facility a reward of Norwegian Kroner 1000 can be claimed.

Littering and dumping of waste is illegal in Norway according to the Norwegian Pollution Control Act.




Cleanup of marine plastic litter
Collection of scattered waste on beach

Names of actions:
facilitation of clean-up

A national centre against marine litter (Marfo) was established 1 January 2022 as an administrative body under the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. The centre is located in Lofoten, Norway. A main task for Marfo is to contribute to improve and to spread knowledge on clean-up and on prevention of marine litter from seabased sources. The centre is amongst others also responsible for map-based data platforms (Rydde/Rent hav) where clean up actions, needs, amounts and types of litter removed etc. is registered.

Names of actions:
funding of clean-up actions

There is a lot of clean-up activities in Norway. We have a scheme where volunteers can apply for funding to cover costs related to transport and delivery of collected waste.

Names of actions:
Support of the NGO Keep Norway Beautiful

The organization Keep Norway Beautiful has for many years organized clean-up campaigns in Norway. They are at the time also leading the Clean Europe network, and has together with Keep Sweden Clean a leading role in Nordic and arctic clean-up campaigns and projects. More than 100 000 volunteers register participation in clean-up actions, but the real number is considered to be significantly larger. The organization is supported by the Government.

The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund (HMF) is a large, private contributor to clean-up in Norway. In the period 2021-2023 they run a program called Clean Norway – “Rydd Norge”, with the goal of cleaning 40% of outer coastline and selected waterways in Norway. The program is run region by region. They are now preparing similar clean-up programs for the coastal sea bottom and for land areas.

In addition, they provide funding after application to selected clean-up projects including on methods and technology.

No particular change observed

Clean-up measures and amount of waste removed is increasing. Concerning amount of waste/litter on beaches, there is not enough data to estimate trends only over a two year period.

Numerical data, if any:
Number of registered volunteers in clean-up was
47 756 in 2021 removing 1.9 million metric tons waste.
More numbers and information available including at Statistikk - Rydde (

Removal of plastic litter from the ocean

Names of actions:
Annual retrieval surveys of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear run by the Fisheries Authorities. Fishing for litter.

Since the 1980s, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has organized annual clean-up surveys for lost or abandoned fishing gear. The fishers are obligated to report lost gear, and the authorities can target retrieval accordingly.

In addition, a “Fishing for Litter” scheme is run in ten harbours in Norway. The scheme is based on that the fishers involved in the scheme deliver waste they get on board during fishing to the participating harbour for free and that the waste is registered and reused or recycled where possible. The environmental authorities have been paying for the arrangement, but many actors including fishers participate by own capacity. Fishing for litter is a scheme run in several European countries.

A new "indirect fee" system is planned for implementation during 2022. This fee will apply to all ships calling at a port and will also cover the costs of passively fished waste collected by fishing vessels.

No particular change observed

Numerical data, if any:
Lost fishing gear collected by the Directorate of fisheries in 2020 was about 100 metric tonnes.



Promotion of innovative solutions

Policy actions for encouraging plastic alternatives (e.g. biodegradable plastics, circular product design – including use of recycled materials or closed-loop recycling)

Names of actions:
Through the EU (Norway as part of the EEA agreement) a new target is set on incorporating 25% of recycled plastic in PET beverage bottles from 2025, and 30% in all plastic beverage bottles from 2030.

Initiatives for better product design supported by Innovation Norway.

Regarding biodegradable plastics, there are ongoing assessments on the suitability of biodegradable plastics. There are issues related to recycling, as it is difficult at household level to sort correctly. In addition, in a cold climate the biodegradable plastics do not degrade at the same level/the process is slow. Other materials (wood, paper etc.) as alternatives to plastics are more commonly introduced. The EU will propose a policy framework for biobased plastics and biodegradable or compostable plastics.

We have seen a positive improvement over the last two years

Public-private partnerships for creating and implementing innovative solution

Names of actions:
In the process of establishing a Plastic Pact with the industry in order to reduce consumption of certain plastic products, especially single-use.

Support to research and innovation coupling industry with research institutions.

The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund and the Research Council of Norway (RCN) have a joint project on supporting research on circular solutions for plastics including reuse and recycling.

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) and Innovation Norway supports projects aimed at coupling industry with research and innovation for a more circular economy. This includes several projects on plastics.

No particular change observed

Actions in progress, too early for results.



Education and awareness raising

Education system and/or curriculum for encouraging public awareness on MPL issues

If yes, give a brief description of your efforts related to education:
Blue Responsibility (Blått ansvar) educational videos and material.
Several initiatives make educational material available for free, such as the non-profit Loop and Rusken. The Norwegian Broadcasting Company also has available programs for children often used in schools on waste management/plastics. Waste Management Companies (both public and private) provide videos on sorting of waste, plastics etc.
In higher education there are several courses on circular economy.

The Norwegian Directorate for Fisheries adopted in 2021 a dedicated action plan on marine litter. This action plan includes compulsory educational modules on marine litter for professional fishers.

No particular change observed

Awareness-raising campaigns related to MPL

National level:

Names of actions:
The Directorate of Fisheries has launched an Action Plan on Marine Litter which includes measures on awareness raising.

Keep Norway Beautiful has extensive awareness raising campaigns.

Several active NGOs in the field, such as Friends of the Earth Norway Naturvernforbundet) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Norway.

School children are for example included in beach clean-up actions run by various voluntary local and national organisastions. Centre against marine litter (Marfo) and The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund (HMF) also contribute with awareness building campaigns.

Local level:

Names of actions:
Several municipalities, have such campaigns, including the campaign “Rusken” in Oslo.

Clean-up actions all around the country contributes to awareness building.

International / Regional level:

Names of actions:
Norway is involved in or supports such campaigns in many fora. Some examples are:

The Regional Action Plans on Marine Litter in the Arctic under PAME and for the North-East Atlantic under OSPAR includes actions on awareness raising.

Norway has since 2016 been part of and a contributor to the UNEP Clean Seas Campaign.

Projects under the Nordic Council of Climate and Environment Ministers includes elements of awareness building.

National level:

No particular change observed

Local level:

No particular change observed

International / Regional level:

No particular change observed



Monitoring & Scientific research on marine plastic litter

Actions for encouraging monitoring / scientific research on plastic flows and ocean surface microplastics

Names of actions:
The National Monitoring Program for Microplastics was established in 2021.

The monitoring program measures levels and types of microplastic particles in Norwegian water bodies according to guidelines given by international expert groups such as GESAMP (The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection) that provide advice to the UN and AMAP (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme) a working group of the Arctic Council. Data will be made available through IECES (International Education and Credential Evaluation Services) Dome.

No particular change observed

Engagement in international/regional level actions for encouraging monitoring / scientific research on plastic flows and ocean surface microplastics

Names of actions:
Norway is actively engaged in a number of relevant processes including cooperation at the european level on research and innovation – ERA and Horizon Europe, under UNEP, International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Basel Convention, the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML), OSPAR, Nordic Council of Climate and Environment Ministers, and the working groups PAME and AMAP under the Arctic Council.

No particular change observed


  • Recycling system improvement
  • Data collection related to waste in general
  • Data collection related to marine plastic litter
  • Lack of awareness among citizens, business, local governments
  • Project delays due to COVID-19

Best practices

National level

Norway has an environmental tax on plastic bottles and drinking cans. Bottles and cans get a lower tax depending on the return percentage. This gives the industry a good reason to establish return systems for bottles. The plastic bottles are subject to a deposit fee, which the consumers get back when they return the bottles. Around 90 % of plastic bottles are returned in Norway today.

Norway has targets for recycling of plastic waste in line with EUs Waste Framework Directive and other relevant EU legislation. We have introduced measures to reach these targets.

In 2021 a new action plan for climate- and environmentally friendly Public Procurement was launched. The plan includes measures to avoid undesirable chemical additives in plastics and prescribes the waste hierarchy as a guiding principle for procurement (e.g. strive to avoid unnecessary products, measures to reduce consumption, demand products for re-use and/or more recycled material in products).

Knowledge hub on beach clean ups and sea-based sources through the national centre against marine litter (Marfo).

Long experience with preventive and clean-up measures on marine litter from fisheries and aquaculture, and the Directorate of Fisheries’ new action plan against marine litter from commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture.

Local level

The Polluter Control Act states that the municipalities have a duty to collect and ensure proper treatment of municipal waste. The municipalities charge each household a fee that fully covers all costs of waste management, including collection, transport, reception, storage, treatment and control. More than 80% of the waste is either recycled or used as energy. Where landfills still have to be used, they have to be designed and monitored to prevent run-off, discharges to air and spreading of litter.

Private sector

Several initiatives initiated and lead by the industry themselves. The Producer Responsibility Organization Green Dot Norway (Grønt Punkt Norge) has launched a Plastic Pledge. Businesses pledge to use more recycled plastic material, avoid unnecessary use of plastic, and design for recycling.

According to the provisions in the Pollution Control Act, the industry has the responsibility to ensure environmentally sound treatment of their own plastic waste.

Norway has EPR systems on plastic packaging, drinking bottles and beverage cans, on e-waste. New EPR systems will be introduced for other plastic single use products in line with the EU SUP-directive, such as plastic equipment used in fisheries and aquaculture.

International cooperation

Norway has signed on to the G7 Plastics Charter, the G20 Action Plan and has been a strong promoter of the four relevant resolutions passed by the UNEA, as well as measures taken by IMO and Basel Convention.

The Norwegian Development Program to Combat Marine Litter and Microplastics was lauched in 2018. The programme is intended to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.1 which states that by 2025, the world should prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds and the UNEA-3 agreed vision to eliminate the discharge of litter and microplastics to the oceans over time. The main objective of the Norwegian development program to combat marine litter and microplastics is to prevent and greatly reduce the extent of marine litter from large sources in developing countries.
To achieve this, funding is set to focus on four outcomes:

  1. Management of plastic waste in partner countries is improved
  2. Selected coastal areas and rivers are cleared of waste and the waste is sustainably managed.
  3. Private sector performance regarding sustainable production and use, and responsible waste management, is improved
  4. Global commitments and national and regional instruments to prevent marine litter are strengthened.

Projects are being implemented through multilateral organizations such as the UN and the World Bank, NGOs and research institutes. Geographic focus is on fast-growing economies in South East Asia and Africa, as well as small island developing states to improve waste management systems and clean-up along the shore. Some 40 projects worldwide are funded by the programme.

Norway has for a long time been advocating a global agreement on plastic pollution. At UNEA-5 it was decided to start negotiation of such a global agreement. Norway is actively engaging in the negotiations, particularly as Co-Chair of the High Ambition Coalition to end plastic pollution.

Contact details

Mona Aarhus
Section for Waste Management and Marine Litter
Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway

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